Review by The Mole
When we attended the Edinburgh Book Festival we had the opportunity to meet, if only briefly, the author, Philip Ardagh.
Shortly before our trip, Maryom had won a copy of "The Eddie Dickens Trilogy" the special 10th anniversary edition that was a year late. Well 11th doesn't sound so good does it. Maryom had read some already and warned me that they are "Very, very silly" and what's wrong with silly I wonder.
The first story "Awful End" finds Eddie's parents ill with an unknown disease and the doctor administers an unknown cure. So as not to spread the disease to young Eddie he is sent away into the dubious care of Mad Uncle Jack and Aunt Maud. What could go wrong? Well, perhaps everything.
These are clearly children's books and the stories are not only easily read but they have a style of writing that will draw children in and leave them wanting more. I don't come under the 'children' category any longer but to me it brought nostalgic days of listening to "The Clitheroe Kid", "The Navy Lark" and "Around The Horne". The humour is clean, obvious and easy to enjoy. The cover says "Winner of the Roald Dahl Funny Prize" and while I have never noted Roald Dahl stories as particularly funny, Eddie Dickens is well deserving of this prize.
If you get the opportunity to meet Mr Ardagh then be warned - he leaves quite an impression on you. Yes, he is bearded - a full set to be more accurate. And yes he is tall - he left me feeling naked as he looked down on my balding bits. (Note to self - wear a hat should the opportunity to meet him arise again.) But he also has a quick and harmless wit that leaves you thinking "I should have said..." long after it's too late..
Publisher - Faber & Faber
Genre - children, adventure, humour
Buy The Eddie Dickens Trilogy
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