It's soon to be World Book Day again!
When our youngest was at primary school this was an exciting day with events about books focussed around it. Still, today, children are given a £1 book token and a range of £1 books is available at many retailers for them to pick from or they can use it as a discount on a more expensive book.

OK but why WORLD Book Day? It focuses on the classroom and the bookshops so why the word 'WORLD'.

There are others involved too that are taking this international for
extremely good causes. What is a book? A book is an entertainment. It's a
learning tool - if only learning to read. Learning to read paves the
way for improvement in life and, potentially, a way out of poverty. So
based on starting young,
Book Aid International
work at this time to "support literacy, education and development in
sub-Saharan Africa". And at this time schools can help them in their
work by some fun fund raising ideas that they have on their website
or maybe you can come up with ideas of your own. Have a read of their
site, have a word with the school and see if we can't all help them in
this work.
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