Two narrow boats catch fire and the police are left with trying to determine if it's arson or accident. And if it's arson which of the two victims was the intended. And who are the victims anyway. It starts to look more like arson when a second fire destroys a caravan with a third victim inside. Banks and his team have their work cut out.
An admission before I start off... This is the first DCI Banks I have read and I have watched NONE of the TV dramatisations either. There, got that off my chest.
These books have a very popular following and I witnessed this at a Waterstones Nottingham event. It was well attended and the questions that people asked showed that they knew the characters well and considered them personal friends. Well having read my first one I can really understand why. The characters have their foibles and while you may not like everything about any of them then they also have their redeeming features. I am not a 'whodunnit' reader but I have to admit to having 'twigged' this one early on but Robinson had said that he didn't know who the culprit was until the end, so I am left wondering a bit how I got it so early.
If you haven't read any then I recommend crime readers give a DCI Banks novel a go.
Publisher - Pan Books
Genre - Adult Crime Fiction
Buy Playing with Fire
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