In a post-apocalyptic world, where all but children and the elderly have turned into flesh-eating monsters, the few teens and young adults that have remained 'unchanged' are highly prized. Alex, Chris and Tom fall into this category but even for them the danger is not over. No one knows how the 'Change' comes about - who is susceptible, who immune - and who it will strike next. Having become separated Alex and Tom are desperate to find each other again but in a world now populated by armed, zombie-type mobs nothing is going to be simple and straight-forward.
Shadows is the second book of the post-apocalyptic Ashes trilogy and seems to suffer from being the middle book Ashes ended on a cliff hanger - sort of to be expected - and Shadows picks up the story there. The only thing is the story doesn't seem to move along much. There's lots of fighting, attacks by mutants, lots of blood and gore but by the ending - another cliff hanger - I didn't feel things had advanced. If anything Shadows introduces more sub-plots and leaves more questions unanswered. Hopefully all will be resolved in Book3....
Maryom's review - 3 stars
Publisher - Quercus Books
Genre - teen,YA, fiction
Buy Shadows (Ashes Trilogy)
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