This is the sixth book in the Tomorrow series and we start to see the story come to a head. There is just one more book to come in the series and here we see the team - reduced by casualties over the war - start to feel threatened in their own sanctuary - Hell. Having collected some 'feral' children along the way they are also encumbered by their responsibilities of protection.
Once again the story moves along at what is a surprisingly slow pace. Surprising because it's only when you look back after having read it that you realise all the real action was packed into just a few short pages. But it didn't feel that way at the time of reading.
The action, as always, feels very cinematic and very intense but I found myself less sympathetic or concerned about the characters. Fi tells Ellie how she has become hard and cold and while this is true she has also become less likeable too.
The scene is now set for the final book in the series and I cannot believe the end will bring that much of a surprise to the readers because, as with all good series, we expect the hero to come through and love to succeed. Marsden has, however, killed off a few characters along the way so will they ALL be standing at the end? We must wait and see - but not for long now as the final book comes out 7th November 2013.
Despite everything a most enjoyable read but don't leap into the series - if nothing else read book one for background but much happens in between so try reading them in series - you will enjoy it.
Publisher: Quercus
Genre: Teenage fiction
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